The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 12

After being rejected time and time again he ended up resorting to desperate measures. When Zi Han contacted him about getting a smart pistol he initially wanted to give it to him at no charge but when he thought of attaining that immortal beauty he decided on another sinister method.

He roped her son into delivering an illegal substance for him first then he would lure him into taking some of it. When he gets addicted he would stop supplying him with his daily fix unless he helps him set up romantic dates with Zi Xingxi. But this... this turn of events was unexpected.

Had she found a backer so powerful that she could stroll in and shoot out his place with absolutely no fear of the consequences?

But before he could ponder deeply into this question Zi Xingxi lifted her legs and crossed them on top of the table while watching him like a hawk.

The bottom of her stilettos were stained with blood making Dage lower his gaze a little terrified. He didn’t want to know which of his subordinates that blood belonged to. He just hoped that he would be able to survive this.

“I see you have set yourself a little operation here..... but as you are well aware I am not interested in your little set-up. I am more interested in someone else. Someone you had deliver your products to your clients just today,” she said with a devilish grin on her face.


“He is about one hundred and eighty meters tall, has enchanting fox eyes, a face that looks three parts out of five similar to mine and loves picking fights.... Do you remember him now?”

With blood seeping down from the corner of his brow Dage gulped hard trying to moisten his parched throat. His forehead was covered in a layer of cold sweat reflecting the light from the ceiling.

From afar one could occasionally see beads of sweat flow down from his forehead to his cheeks and neck before vanishing into his navy silk pyjamas. Because of the material, his pit stains were more prominent showing a big dark patch that was annoying to look at.

His back was also covered in a cold sweat with the material sticking to his back uncomfortably. His whole person looked like a man trapped in a sauna for two days with not even a single drop of water to quench his thirst.

Since he hadn’t responded to her she placed her lock-on handgun on the table with a dull clank then proceeded to rustle through the bag of crisps while saying, “I am sure I don’t need to explain what kind of situation you are currently in.”

“This isn’t a normal conversation between two adults. This is an ‘I ask questions and you answer’ type of conversation otherwise this.....” she said before pausing mid-sentence.

At that time Dage heard the clanking of formal shoes on the tiles and the next second the knife stuck in his thigh was removed then drove back in with a loud stabbing sound of a sharp blade cutting flesh.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! YOU %%@%%@%@%#@%, %!$!%%@%@%@.... wuwuwuwuwu,” swore Dage before his wild curses were replaced by loud wails. His veins protruding on his temples and flushed neck he wailed while banging his head on the table.

The rusty smell of blood permeated the air but Zi Xingxi wasn’t fazed. She had seen and done far worse than this. In truth, she was born to be a killer and no matter how many times her father tried to deter her she was bound to follow in his footsteps.

After crunching down on a few kettle fried crisps she continued saying, “..... would happen. Now tell me why my little Han Han would come to you and start making deliveries for you? I mean he is a very good boy, isn’t he?” she asked looking up to the man who was standing beside her.

He was the same man who came to pick her up. People referred to him as secretary K and the only person who knew his full name was Zi Xingxi alone. Where she had picked him up from no one knew but he was especially loyal and extremely powerful that no one dared to challenge him.

Don’t look at his timid appearance when around Zi Xingxi and think he was easy to mess with. He was like that around Zi Xingxi because she was the only one he was afraid of.

With his hands crossed behind his back, he took a step forward and said, “Ahem yes, yes. The young sir is especially well behaved.”

Zi Xingxi smiled happily and turned back to Dage who was grimacing in pain and said, “Now, I know that’s what every parent says about their kids. Very annoying, right? It’s like gosh we know your little Mao Mao is the most well behaved so shut up already. But my son..... well, he is a star.” As she said this her eyes sparkled like a truly proud parent. She had educated him well so why would he mix with scum like Dage?

“So now tell me... what does he want from you?” she said with a grim smile on her face.

Dage tried to speak but the agonizing pain had his throat unable to make a sound except crying. Feeling rather impatient Zi Xingxi picked up the lock-on handgun and aimed it at his head.

As the grey muzzle reflected in his pupils Dage panicked and he was about to speak when she pressed the trigger hitting the cupboard in the kitchen area with a loud bang before pointing it back at him.

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