The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 1066

Chapter 1066: 1066

"By the way, and this phone number, you can remember it, call her sometime, and ask her what is the relationship between Qin ting and her . . . "

While listening to Lin Jiayi read the numbers, the assistant quickly took out her mobile phone and recorded it .

"Mr . Lin, please remember . Is there anything else

Lin Jiayi first shook her head, and then, as if thinking of something, said: "by the way, today in the office, I\'m talking to that gentleman about the specific content . Don\'t tell anyone about it . In addition, you should do all the things I ask you to do quietly . Don\'t let the wind out . "

"I see, Mr . Lin . "

After Lin Jiayi\'s words, the assistant saw that Lin Jiayi was leaning against her office chair and didn\'t speak again for a long time, so he asked: "Mr . Lin, if there is nothing else, we may need to start quickly, or we won\'t be able to catch up with the dinner . "

Lin Jiayi didn\'t seem to hear her assistant\'s words . She stared thoughtfully at the void and didn\'t respond .

The assistant moved her lips again, just ready to continue to remind Lin Jiayi, but she didn\'t say a word . Lin Jiayi suddenly raised her eyelids and glanced at her: "let\'s go . "

With that, Lin Jiayi stood up as if nothing had happened . She stepped on her high-heeled shoes and headed for the office door .

It\'s getting colder day by day .

At the end of November, Beijing had its first snow this winter .

It was a Saturday when my aunt had a rest . When she checked the inventory in the morning, she found that a lot of things were running out . In the afternoon, after cocoa woke up, she took advantage of the holiday to go shopping with cocoa .

In the nearby supermarket, just stroll around, it\'s two or three hours later . When the cold and warm and coco come out of the supermarket again, it\'s snowing outside .

Although the supermarket is not far away from home, but because bought a lot of things, and with cocoa, coupled with snow, cold or warm or stopped a taxi .

Soon, I got to the downstairs of my home . After paying the fare, Leng Nuan got out of the car with cocoa in his arms . Then he opened the trunk and carried out three big bags one by one .

Leng Nuan holds cocoa, and can\'t carry the bag into the building, so after the taxi leaves, Leng Nuan puts cocoa down: "cocoa will go by herself, will mom take things?"

Coco nodded obediently, followed the warm and cold bending movement, from the warm and cold arms, sliding to the ground .

Lengnuan carried two bags in one hand and one bag in the other . Because she bought a lot of daily necessities, some of which were heavy, she had some difficulty in carrying them . After coco saw it, she went around lengnuan, and then took a bag of diapers from inside: "Mom, I\'ll help you with it . "

"Coco is so good . . . " Leng Nuan praised cocoa, and then took cocoa to the building . But before two steps, a black car suddenly stopped in front of them .

Before he could respond to the cold and warmth, coco threw the diaper in her arms on the ground and ran to the car: "Dad, Dad . . . "

With Coco\'s voice settled, the driver\'s door was pushed open, and Lu Ben came down from inside .

Leng Nuan wanted to shout coco to pick up the diaper on the ground . When she saw Lu Ben, she suddenly stopped at her mouth .

Reuben took a look at Leng Nuan . Then he bent over and picked up coco, who had thrown himself in front of him and hugged his thigh .

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