The Sage of Einar

Chapter 270 - Destruction Of Parisii

At night, the Vikings and warriors could enjoy a sumptuous feast without forgetting their obligations to take care of the slaves.

Who had the obligation to use the onagers to bombard the battlement tower as the main gate of the bastion.

In some abbey in the city, Sigurd Ring was sitting on a throne belonging to the bishop of the city, while heating some pork on a large wooden cross.

Which was being used as wood to cook food.

"Tomorrow I want to have this city completely. When we enter the bastion I want everyone to be killed. I do not want prisoners.

All the slaves that survive will be in charge of taking the heads to the walls while we commit the massacre.

After we conquer the city, we need to destroy it completely, as a sign of destruction all the land has to be salty.

So all the salt will be used. I know it is an expensive resource but according to the missionaries Rome did the same with the city of Carthage.

I also want them to use all the oil in the city to burn the structures slightly. Everything of value must be saved.

Everything else must be burned. We will have three days after taking the bastion to end this.

We must not take any longer because I do not know when the emperor will be able to return, and I do not think we can resist his fury after having destroyed his capital.

Not to mention, we murdered his son and his daughter is going to die when we take the bastion unless she can escape, but because of what the slaves said.

There is no way she could get out after the sapper\'s disaster, but I think I have spread out with the orders.

Everyone enjoys the feast because tomorrow in the city blood will flow, and fire will rise. "

Giselda, who was sleeping, could feel a tremor in the building, so she made a sharp turn and fell from her bed.

Causing her nose to hit the cold stone floor, holding her nose that was bleeding, Giselda peeked out from the balcony.

At that moment she almost urinated, as she could see that stones were being thrown on the battlement tower.

Another tremor occurred, so she began to cry while trying to run towards the ceiling because she was going to die.

She would do it by her own rules and not at the mercy of savages.

Grabbing her grandfather\'s flag from a table, she tried to climb the stairs when she could see a stone coming through the wall in front of her.

This caused her to fall backward, hitting her head hard as she rolled down the stairs.

With his consciousness fading, she watched in horror as another stone smashed through the wall, hitting a column so the floor above collapsed on top of it.

Her glorious death that she had planned had turned into a meaningless death.

The constant throwing of stones continued all night until in the morning it was stopped for a moment by the defenders and citizens.

They did their best to block the door that had almost completely collapsed.

To their misfortune, while stones and other wooden things were being placed, the door simply gave way when a shower of stones fell on it.

All those who were nearby died and others suffered serious injuries when they saw the door had ceased to exist.

Alphonse led a group of Imperial Guard and the elite of the defenders to the gate to make the last defense.

As they reached the door, they watched in horror as a group of enslaved soldiers ran towards them like bloodthirsty beasts.

Although their weapons were simple and could not efficiently penetrate the armor they wore, their constant onslaught began to tire the defending troops.

"We have to resist as long as we can. If we can repel this attack, we will be able to block the entrance again.

This is a defense that we must not lose. Behind us are our people, children, and women waiting for us to win. "

Alphonse, who was screaming, used his sword to kill the slave in front of him and ignoring the blood that splattered on his face.

He drew his sword from the slave\'s chest and prepared to face the next enemy.

Sigurd Ring, seeing that they were stopping their advance, gave the order that the slaves and the warriors will shoot their arrows and that they will launch their javelins.

Because they were busy fighting, they paid no attention to the rain of arrows and javelins that fell on them.

In just a few seconds the elite force was reduced by more than half, so militiamen and women who did not think to die without fighting.

They pounced on the attackers, using whatever they could as a weapon.

Sigurd Ring laughed when he saw this "If you want to die with honor so much, I will live up to your expectations, that the onagers shoot the defenders.

I want arrows and javelins to rain without stopping.

Use everything you have and take those brave defenders to your heaven full of glory, for they are going to do it fighting like true warriors.

As a final order, any of the defenders who died fighting may be buried with their heads.

I do not mean to dishonor the heads of brave warriors. "

All following Sigurd\'s instructions threw their arrows, javelins, and stones.

Alphonse, who already had two arrows in his body, kept fighting until he could see that the sky was darkening for what at that moment he could remember his whole life.

From the moment he was born until he reached the place where he was, at that precise moment he blinked and could see a girl on the battlefield.

The girl wore strange clothes and had a scythe in her hand. Although he could only see it for a few moments, he knew it was not a person.

Unfortunately, he could not continue seeing her because when he blinked again she had disappeared, but above her, there was a stone that was heading towards where he was.

After still sighing, he opened his hands, and the stone completely crushed his body, along with that of three slaves and four defenders.

The bloody battle continued to drag on, as the citizens of Parisii were not willing to die without a fight when one defender died.

The children took one of the many weapons on the ground and bravely faced the enemies; the women preferred to die rather than allow themselves to be sullied.

Among all the defenders the bishop of the city was the principal leader of the defense, with a dagger in the shape of a crucifix and a wooden shield.

He did not hesitate to face the attackers, because he could not do otherwise, because he was not facing a Christian who would not harm him.

But a group of slaves was being controlled by the pagan devil who just kept attacking from a distance like cowards.

As time passed and seeing that the slaves were dwindling, a serious face formed on Sigurd Ring\'s face.

"Let the berserkers prepare like the Vikings in armor.

When the slaves are completely dead, it will be our time to enter. Remember to respect the bodies of the defenders.

They are fighting with great honor, although it will be a bit more difficult to finish them. Any warrior deserves respect. "

After this, a time passed before the last slaves died at the hands of the defenders.

This allowed them to take a brief break, which was interrupted when a large group of warriors with axes and heavy armor started running towards them.

The bishop, who knew that his defense would end, did not hesitate to shout.

"Today the citizens of Parisii will enter heaven, for fighting against the pagans. My brothers, give your last breath by killing these pagans.

Our feat will be remembered for eternity and I am sure that in heaven we will be rewarded with the blessing of God, our Lord.

May the strength of God be with us, amen. "

After those words, the first berserkers arrived brandishing their gigantic axes, which split any defender in half as if it were a piece of wood.

Unfortunately for them, this far from scaring the defenders only caused them to attack with more fervor.

The priest\'s words had reached deep into their bodies. As men and women of faith, they will give their lives for the glory of God.

Women and children used their daggers to stab berserkers, even those who were wounded and could not use their hands used their teeth to bite their enemies.

With the arrival of more enemies, the defenders began to retreat, but far from fleeing; they continued with the defense.

For their part, some priests in the destroyed bastion camp were ordering a group of faithful followers to kill the babies and children.

This, to prevent them from being killed like animals by the pagans, was an order that everyone continued to be as careful as possible.

All the children were killed in the cleanest and most painless way possible, while the priests used holy water to wet their corpses.

Before they were taken to some piles of fire to be burned, thus preventing the pagans from desecrating their bodies.

The battle at the bastion lasted until sunset when the last of the defenders died at the entrance to the camp.

That day over 120,000 inhabitants of the city of Parisii died, all of them did it fighting or in pace, only one old monk survived.

His life was spared because Sigurd wanted him to tell the history of the city, with the mission that his exploits could be known.

So he was given food and a horse so that he could go with the emperor to tell the story of Parisii.

Little did Sigurd Ring know that his name would be remembered as a reincarnation of the antichrist on the same level as Emperor Nero and even more hated than Attila.

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