The Sage of Einar

Chapter 118 - Wedding Preparations

Einar smiled gleefully and wiped the sweat from his brow as he looked at the tensegrity table in front of him.

"I suppose Seren will be very happy when I show her how beautiful the table I am going to give her as a prize looks.

Although before giving it to her I think I could use it as the main table for the wedding ceremony, you don\'t think so, father. "

Sven was crouched admiring how the table in front of him was being supported by large hemp ropes.

He tapped the wood and stared in amazement as it didn\'t even seem to move, even gave him the feeling that it was harder than the table in the great room.

"As much as I continue to admire the table, I have to continue to insist that seeing the table being held only by ropes makes me wonder what other things the gods kept for them.

Fortunately for my curiosity and the welfare of the tribe, all the secrets of the gods are in your hands.

As for using this table, I think it will be a good demonstration of your ability in the tribe, although no one doubts you anymore.

But the table by itself is not the important thing, but what things you will put on it.

What do you plan to do to eat for the wedding banquet, although the ingredients we have are not too many due to the Yule festival?

I think you can make a meal equal to or better than that steak with bread you made at the festival. "

Einar smiled and sat on a tensegrity bench that he had made "I plan to make some milk liqueur and for lunch, I will make a wild carrot cream.

As for the main course, I will slaughter one of the old pigs that we have and prepare it in its fat to make something called carnitas.

The taste of the food could be something new to what is customary in the village, but as we get better spices with the trade.

The quality of the meals could increase. By the way father do you know how the preparations are going to pick up our people from the fort north? "

Sven, who had already got up on his way to the wooden window of Einar\'s room and watched the tribesmen at work.

"All the slaves are prepared and as for the people who will go, they are already making the last preparations.

We will leave after the ritual of starting the plowing, after this, we will only have to wait for the merchants to arrive on the island.

Although if I\'m honest with you, Einar, I believe that great things will happen this year, although I\'m not sure if it will be a good or bad thing for the tribe.

The last two times I had a similar feeling was months before you were born and when your grandfather passed away from that disease.

But in any case, we will have to face what comes, regardless of whether it is good or bad. "

While this was happening, in the camp near the battlefront, Gautier was watching two priests work.

Which were healing the wounds and cleaning the body of the emperor, as it was in a completely deplorable state.

"Priests tell me the truth is the emperor going to survive all the wounds he has?"

One of the priests, who was cleaning the emperor\'s crotch with a cold water compress, frowned and turned to Duke Gautier.

"The situation of the emperor is critical and although he suffered the cut of his hand and ear, the measures taken by the barbarians who attacked him saved his life for now.

We can only heal and cleanse his wounds as best we can, but survival will depend entirely on his willpower and what God wants. "

Gautier, who heard those words, began to massage his nose, trying to contain his anger.

"Do everything you can to keep the emperor breathing. In the meantime, I will speak to all the nobles who are leading the campaign.

We have to prepare a punitive expedition to the Duchy of Dithmarschen, those bastards did this and will pay for it. "

The two priests gulped a bit of saliva as the duke was quite angry and it was possible that if they said something they could die at his hands.

The emperor, who was passed out from the pain, was only able to wake up at night when a little water ran down his face.

So he unconsciously used his arm to take the hand that was cleaning his forehead.

When he opened his eyes, he could see the face of his daughter Adelaide who did not bother to have her arm held by her father.

"Father, you have to relax you are in a safe place away from those damn heathens."

Ludovico looked at his daughter for a few seconds as he tried to bear the pain in his body as best he could. After releasing Adelaide\'s hand, he exhaled deeply.

"I need some water, Adelaide."

Adelaide took a jug of water from the table beside the bed and carefully raised her father\'s head so that he could drink.

After cooling his throat and feeling a little better, he looked at his daughter with his most serious face that had "Adelaide, bring Duke Gautier and the scrolls that I ordered to be collected from the refuge of that bastard.

The princess upon hearing her father\'s orders quickly settled him and left the room, Ludovico seeing his daughter leave looked at the stump of his arm.

\'I hate this damn feeling of still feeling my arm when I have nothing ...\'

When Duke Gautier entered the room, Great Emperor looking strangely at the stump where his arm should be.

"Emperor Ludovico, I\'m glad to see that you woke up for a moment I thought what ..."

Ludovico raised his hand and motioned for him to be quiet "At this moment I\'m not in the mood to listen to your liar.

My whole body hurts and at any moment I could lose my consciousness because pain is so suffocating that staying awake is difficult.

The scrolls that you should have collected should come from the key to who it was that betrayed us. According to the damn Anders, it was someone from the capital of the duchy.

That by itself is reason enough for me to order that damned city destroyed, but you know doing it would be a waste of resources.

Order your son to take some troops out of the battlefront and take them to the capital of the duchy, I want him to besiege that city and I left it without food.

Anything that comes out must be killed immediately, as for the duke or anything that exists in that place is now a traitor.

The nobles want to refuse, just tell them that if they want, they can take the place of that damned duke. "

Upon seeing the emperor\'s serious face, Duke Gautier felt a cold sweat run down his back "I will immediately order my son that siege the capital of the duchy is already doing and that anyone who tries to leave the city need to be killed.

But emperor if the pain is strong enough it would not be better if you take some Opium extract to ease your pain. "

Ludovico took a deep breath and closed his eyes "This pain is a reminder that no one can be trusted, not to mention that it helps me maintain the hatred I feel towards all my enemies.

I will hold it as long as I can even if it means having to scream, but I will resist and when I have finished my revenge, then I will think about using opium to ease the pain.

But until then, I will keep not taking anything that can eliminate the pain in my body. "

After hearing this, the duke nodded silently and left the room to go out and look at his son Paul, who was waiting for him.

"Paul, I believe that the attack has left dangerous consequences for the emperor and there is absolutely nothing we can do to prevent it.

So you will have to follow orders regardless of whether they are cruel or go against God\'s teachings.

The emperor has ordered that you take part of the army and begin with the siege of the capital of the duchy of Dithmarschen because he is conspiring against the empire when trying to kill the emperor.

Anyone who leaves the city regardless of whether he is a nobleman, a cleric, or a vagabond, must be killed instantly.

I hope that you can follow the emperor\'s orders without any failure because in the state it is in it will be impossible to guarantee your safety, son. "

Paul clenched the handle of his sword "You can tell father that I will follow the emperor\'s orders and under my guidance, no one is going to leave that city.

I will hold the siege until the emperor of another order. "

Gautier put his hand on his son\'s shoulder "You must be strong and stay completely sober because it is not the same to kill pagans who follow God\'s will.

That murdering the faithful of the church can be complicated, but you must stand firm, and for no reason to do you dare to break the rules.

The only thing I can wish you is that God accompany you and take care of your work, remember that you can always ask your father for help in case those traitors try to do something. "

Paul who could feel the affection and the words of his father said goodbye to him and left the house where the emperor was sheltered.

When he left, he could feel a snowflake touching his face, and using his hand he cleaned it before getting on his horse and starting his way to the barracks of his soldiers.

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