The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 283: Novice Order Apprentice-1

Chapter 283: Novice Order Apprentice-1

Yone grinned spoke, " Athan. I heard some good things about you from Reikent. It\'s been a long time since I saw him this impressed by someone. "

" Hahaha. That\'s indeed true. " Reikent laughed hearing. He was indeed very pleasantly surprised and impressed by Athan.

Athan just nodded with a modest expression.

" Heh, Not very enthusiastic type, I see. But..." Pausing here, Yone narrowed his eyes while smiling, " I see some wildness from deep within your eyes. It looks like you aren\'t as boring as you are trying to be. "

Hearing that, Athan slightly smiled with a wry expression. Right at this moment, Reikent introduced Yone to Athan, " Athan, This is the second leader of the Youhan Tree Organization, Yone. He is here to recruit you to the Hidden Dragon Troupe. "

Yone nodded with a smile, " We have a particular group in this organization called Hidden Dragon Troupe, and only those who have powerful and unique traits can join in. For instance, Reikent told me about your physique and its quality ability, which rivals Zen Order Elites. Although It\'s kind of hard to believe, I trust him. That said, I still want to see the ability with my own eyes and test it for a particular reason. "

Athan was rapidly thinking after hearing this and asked, " What exactly is this Hidden Dragon Troupe? Could you give me some more details about it? "

Yone laughed and answered, " Of course! The choice to join or not is also up to you. But the benefits of joining the hidden dragon troupe are many, with the most significant advantage being...Freedom! "

" Mhmm. " Reikent nodded and continued, " As I already told you, If you stay as a special guest, You will have to start accepting the missions according to your level from the organization to get resources when your first year is up, but after joining the Hidden Dragon Troupe, You won\'t need to finish the mandatory missions. Though You will still need to work to get the resources, it will be like half effort and double reward once you join Hidden Dragon Troupe because one of the focuses of this group is to nurture people like you. "

Athan was thought for a moment and asked something important, " This...sounds like a too good of a deal to me. What are the demerits? "

Hearing this, Reikented wryly smiled while Yone shook his head, " You aren\'t getting it. You joined an organization for your own benefits in the first place. You get resources, information, and access to places and higher knowledge from the organization easier than getting them by wandering alone, so it\'s given that organization also expects work from you to help the organization grow more powerful overall with mutual benefits..."

Pausing here, Yone smiled meaningfully before he continued speaking, " But...If you join Hidden Dragon Troupe, the story will be different. Hidden Dragon Troupe is like a guild, and after joining it, You only need to take one chaos oath. If you take that Oath, You can leave the organization or the troupe whenever you want with no penalty or such things. However, I am confident that you will not leave any soon. At least until you can\'t get stronger by staying with us anymore. Hahaha. "

Athan was tempted, and so, He asked what that chaos oath would be.

If the chaos oath turned out to be something unreasonable, then he would decline the offer without a second thought.

Hearing the question, Yone grinned while displaying his golden teeth before speaking, " The oath is simple and straightforward. You need to take a chaos oath that you will never betray the fellow comrades of the hidden dragon troupe, and if you betray fellow comrades of the troupe, Your soul will shatter completely by the chaos.

I said fellow comrades specifically because If I told you not to betray the Hidden Dragon troupe, You wouldn\'t be able to leave the group and organization. "

Yone paused and took a breath before displayed his serious expression for the first time, " So this is the oath. The members of Hidden Dragon Troupe are one family, and betrayal is something I never tolerate. That\'s the reason for this oath to exist. "

Athan looked at Yone\'s eyes and was involuntarily impressed, \' The benefits are good, and the hidden dragon troupe sounds like a...good place. \'

" I willing to join. " Athan felt that it was a good idea to join. He also didn\'t like betrayals, and if the oath is this straightforward, He had no reason to decline the offer.

" Hahaha, Good, good. Usually, I would test the people who are recommended to me by the executives and roots, but Reikent\'s judgment has never failed. "

After saying this, He pointed his finger in a blank space as a dense and powerful force released, which created a portal that was completely different than the chaos portal. This portal looked dreamy deep blue color made with strange energy.

The force was similar to chaos force, but Athan felt that it was far more potent and mysterious than the chaos force he was producing.

Seeing this, Reikent said, " I\'ll join you there later because I still have something to do at the Rokalian guild and Hontei clan. They have requested a bunch of resources, and I have to negotiate with them regarding that. "

Yone nodded, and after that, both Yone and Athan entered inside the portal and appeared at a different place.

Right after Athan came out from the portal, He felt an overwhelming pressure all around him that threatened to rip him apart as he spurted a mouthful of blood. His knees also hit the ground with a loud thud.

But the next second, The overwhelming pressure disappeared, and along with it came the apologetic voice of Yone, " Urgh...Sorry, Athan. I forgot that you just started your training, and your Power level is only at the Tier-1 order base. "

After that, Athan felt a warm current enveloping him, and he felt like he was bathing in the sun\'s gentle light as the minor wounds he suffered healed instantly.

After standing up, He speechlessly looked at Yone, who just smiled apologetically at him.

But after a second, Yone laughed and said, " We might as well give you your first comprehensive test ahead of time. "

After saying that, Yone introduced this place to Athan, " This is one of the recent bases that I found for the Hidden Dragon Troup. It\'s a chaos rift near the permanent CPD ( Chaos Phenom Dimension ) that recently appeared. Chaos rifts are small pocket spaces where a single minor chaos phenomenon could be found. These rifts always appear when CPD appears and becomes the base of operation for different powers in the region. We are also one of the powers contending to take this recently spawned CPD as our own. The main contenders we have to fight for this CPD are Dagger\'s Tooth and Urushib Clan. As for other powers, They are weaker than us and are just trying to fish in troubled water. "

Athan nodded and thought as he looked at the pond behind Yone, \' That should be the minor chaos phenomenon of this chaos rift since it\'s exuding a someone mysterious force. \'

Yone saw where Athan was looking at nodded with a smile, " Yep. That\'s the minor chaos phenomenon of this chaos rift. But you can\'t take its benefits as your level is too low. Anyway, Can you first show me the power of your physique? "

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