TranXending Vision

Chapter 1062 - Big Winds and Heavy Rain

On the other hand, the country had also intensified protection over the Thunder Horse Organization and Xia Lei. Around the premise, including the Peace Mansion, countless elite Special Force members were stationed. They had even doubled the amount of air defence missiles. At this level of security, there was no way an assassin could get past them, no matter how invincible they were.

Time continued to pass day by day.

Three months later.

Israel, in the wilderness to the southeast of Jerusalem.

“Up, up, up...” An Israeli military engineer directed a crane to hoist the faceless warrior statues up from between the rocks.

In a clearing behind the crane were three faceless warriors. Alongside the display were countless fragments of skulls and a few of those that were lucky enough to be intact.

“Three months! And finally, we managed to dig this place out.” A senior intelligence officer of Israel’s Mossad, Kerns, sighed in relief.

“Mister Kerns, what is the point of excavating this? Xia Lei had brought away the most important thing.” Yan Fo massaged his temples. “I don’t find a reason to be happy over this.”

“Mister Yan, is that mockery I sense?” Kerns flashed him an unfriendly smirk. “Should I mock you too for the pathetic operation in Jingdu? I heard the CIA’s Jingdu informant base got thoroughly destroyed by China’s Bureau 101. Your FA Organization had dispatched guerilla fighters and five hundred kilograms of explosives. Yet, you failed to even kill a single Chinese ant.”

Yan Fo shrugged cooly. “Mister Kerns, I didn’t travel all the way to Israel for such meaningless banter. Xia Lei is the only person in the world to transcend current human evolution. To use America’s favourite thing to describe him would make him Superman. When faced with a Superman-like being, would success come easy?”

Kerns stared at him straight. “Then what are you here for this time?”

Yan Fo answered, “I’m here to bring four of the faceless warrior statues back along with some artefacts and skulls.”

“Who do you think you are? How dare you ask for something like that!” Kerns’ expression abruptly shifted into something dark.

“I’m not acting based on my own decision. Mister Williams had instructed me to do so. This is also President Bachoma’s order.” Yan Fo kept a languid pace. “This is a national exchange between America and Israel. We’re nothing but messengers. Putting it that way, I’m sure you can understand what I mean, right?”

The meaning of his words was simple. You can’t stop me from bringing these away!

Kerns snorted coldly. “How American of you. Since Mister Williams and President Bachoma are involved, I certainly reserve no right to stop you. But I do wish to know what use would the statues be to the Americans?”

“Mister Kerns, I’m afraid I can’t answer that. I made it clear that I’m merely a messenger. But don’t worry, I have someone here who could give you an answer. Let me introduce you to him right away,” said Yan Fo. The man waved to a group of people who were standing beside the statues as he exclaimed, “Mister Erik, can you spare me a moment? Mister Kerns wishes to talk to you.”

A bald Caucasian man left the group towards them. He looked to be in his sixties. His face was skinny and devoid on any hair. This made his skull look like a peeled egg. He was tall and thin, giving off a very frail impression. Despite that, his eyes were a unique pair that held both depth and knowledge. It helped establish a deep impression.

Before Erik had entered earshot distance, Kerns questioned, “Who is he? Is he from the CIA or a member of the parliament?”

Yan Fo replied, “Neither. He’s the person in charge of the AE Research Centre.”

“Ah, so that’s him.” Kerns felt as if things were coming together in that split moment. “So he was the one who first brought the medicinal substances within the amber to the centre for research. Hmph, he let those capsules loose and gave way to the birth of a superhuman like Xia Lei. Did he not just shoot himself in the foot?”

Yan Fo registered his words but offered silence. He could completely understand the grudge Israelis had towards the AE incident. If the amber had remained in Israel and was studied by Israeli scientists, perhaps Xia Lei wouldn’t even exist. What had happened too wouldn’t have taken place.

Sadly, time was irreversible.

Erik finally reached them and offered Kerns a firm handshake. He introduced himself, “My name is Erik and I mainly work on research. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mister Kerns.”

Kerns shook his hand. Courteously, he began, “Mister Erik, it’s a pleasure to meet you too. I’m a very straightforward person so I want to ask. What are you trying to achieve by bringing these statues back to America?”

“Mister Kerns, though your question is beyond your authority, I’m willing to supply an answer. The material of these statues is extraordinary. We would like to further study its chemical composition. But of course, all findings obtained will be shared with Israel. Your country is a Middle Eastern ally to America. On this matter, both our interests are aligned.” Erik’s answer was practised and refined. Hearing it would soothe you but it did not answer the true question.

Kerns wrinkled a brow. “Mister Erik, the fact that you rushed over to bring these statues away indicates that you do know something. As an ally, are you not going to share the information with us?”

“Not that I don’t wish to, Mister Kerns. It’s merely because your authority is insufficient. Your boss and the higher-ups of the country are definitely aware of it. If you insist on finding out, I would suggest that you try another channel,” said Erik.

That soured Kerns’ mood. He was eager to understand what research would the statues be subjected to in America but yet the Americans were evidently belittling him.

Suddenly, one of Erik’s assistants collapsed. The group of experts and entourages from America began to panic. Some people called for help while some brought out their phones to dial for emergency services. Some that knew first aid began to check on the fallen assistant.

Yan Fo, Erik and Kerns quickly rushed over. An American archaeologist that suffered a heart disease had fallen to the ground due to an acute cardiac arrest. His pacemaker had suddenly stopped working for no reason.

“What is going on?” One of the American staff huffed with fear, her phone still stuck to the side of her face. “It was alright just a while ago. Why is there no signal now?”

“The signal is out here too.”

“What the hell? Even my watch is not working well. It’s showing me that it’s two in the morning now!”

Chaos ensued.

In the midst of mass panic, the unfortunate archaeologist ceased breathing.

“What... What is that?” Someone pointed to the skies that hovered over the east.

Immediately, everyone’s attention was brought to that span of the area. A cluster of grey clouds was moving towards them along with a symphony of lightning and thunder.

Israel was a dry and barren land. Rain would only occur at most once or twice per year and a storm like this was essentially unheard of. But now, under the thick mast of gloomy clouds, the dry country seemed to have relocated themselves into the Amazonian rainforest that saw storms that happened without warning.


The black clouds suppressed them like a bolt of lightning struck from the skies. Large droplets of rain began to pitter-patter onto the ground and obstructed their view.

Bam! The steel cord on the crane broke off abruptly and the faceless warrior statues that were dangling mid-air fell for the ground. Before the Israeli engineer in the crane was able to respond, the two-tonne heavy statue smashed him flat. He was instantly squashed, his head flattened to the thickness of a piece of dough.

“Gather! Gather, now!” A commander quickly barked instructions for assembly but his message was not relayed. The communicator was not working.

“What the hell is that?!” One of the archaeologists screamed in English urgently in the middle of the storm.

Yan Fo quickly followed the direction of his finger, immediately freezing at the sight. In between the commotion, a woman figure was seen to be approaching them from fifty metres away. Cloaking her body was an odd attire that stuck to her like a second skin due to the rain. It made her look as if she was naked. He widened his eyes to make clear her face but no matter how hard he tried, the rain had proved to be too much of an obstacle.

“Is that a woman?” Someone had noticed the same thing.

“Yes, it is a woman!”

“Why is she here?”

“Hey, who are you?” Someone tried to establish contact.

“What is she trying to do?”

Bang bang bang!

The Israeli soldiers began firing their guns at the sky.

“Stop shooting! Damn it!” Kerns roared.

No one dared to fire another bullet but the woman amongst the storm had vanished out of thin air.

The storm reached its end after thirty minutes. Sunlight immediately graced the blue skies right after it. There was no indication that the supernatural phenomenon had happened

“There are words over there!” One of the soldiers shouted and pointed to a statue sharply.

Yan Fo, Kerns and Erik immediately ran over.

On the statue was a message written with blood. Underneath the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

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