His Majesty's Devious Sins

Chapter 178 - Rumor Has It

Chapter 178 - Rumor Has It

The castle was tense and awkward. The employees did their work as usual. The janitors cleaned the hallways, the chefs prepared everyone\'s meals, and the gardener trimmed the bushes, but everyone could sense the eagerness.

They wanted to know if the Queen was really pregnant, but no one had gotten a glimpse of her. She was on the highest floor of the castle, where the King and Queen resided. It had the craziest security system, and only selected employees were allowed to serve her.

Those that did serve her were wise enough to keep their mouths shut. But the more silence over the issue, the more people became curious.

"If the Queen really is pregnant, we should serve her like it is her last day here…"

"Yes, every day we must treat her much better than yesterday, for her time in this world is limited."

"Our Queen is so lovely, but she\'s human. What a pitiful thing… To lose her life for the sake of an heir."

Everyone gossiped amongst themselves, unable to contain their curiosity.

"If you have time to talk, you should work overtime," a cold voice snapped.

People turned and instantly averted their eyes. Seeing Jane, one of the Queen\'s maids, was already an eyesore. Everyone knew there was a rotation of maids to prevent favoritism, but deep down, people knew Jane\'s position. She was the strictest and sternest maid with a no nonsense attitude. If Jane was to report to the Queen, the Queen would believe her.

"Well, what do you think Jane?" A voice piqued, glancing at her. "You serve the Queen as her personal maid. Don\'t you pity her? She is going to die and everyone knows it."

"How dare you pity your superior?" Jane snipped, glowering at the voice that spoke up. "Besides, has anyone here actually studied the topic of human pregnancies? If not, I suggest you shut your mouths."

People muttered complaints under their breath, rolling their eyes at her words, but said nothing else. They didn\'t want to get on Jane\'s bad side, nor did they want to get her on her good side.

Jane shook her head at them, her lips pulled into a thin line. Even her sister Jenny was curious, but said nothing. Jane, too, wanted to know if it was the truth, but she trusted the Queen\'s judgement. Surely, the Queen would choose what is best, whether it\'s for herself, the kingdom, or the King.

"Your Grace," Stella softly said, hoping the Queen would be awoken by the noise. The curtains were tightly shut, submerging the room in darkness. Not a single light peeked through, making it difficult to even see in here.

Stella didn\'t want to turn on the lights in here since it\'d be too much of a wake up call. She was hoping for the Queen to get up herself, but it was well into the afternoon, and Stella was growing worried.

"Your Grace, are you feeling alright?" Stella murmured, not sure why the Queen was sleeping so late. Usually, the Queen was awake by morning and would join the King for breakfast.

"With the rate you\'re going, we\'re going to be here until night time," Evelyn snapped. She sauntered to the curtains and yanked them open. Immediately, sunlight fell through the windows, splashing onto the bed.

"Mmph…" Adeline g.r.o.a.n.e.d, rolling in the bed and hiding her face in the pillow. She hugged another pillow closer to her body and proceeded to doze off.

"Your Grace, you must wake up," Evelyn sharply said, leaving no room for argument.

Evelyn was informed by the King this morning that the Queen won\'t be making a public address. Regardless, she needed to prepare the Queen for when she actually made a speech announcing the pregnancy. For example, they needed to go over the tactics and strategic planning.

"I\'m up," Adeline muttered, cracking one eye open and rubbing it.

"Good," Evelyn said, waving at Stella to bring in the breakfast. "You must have your morning meal and—"

Evelyn paused. There were bruises on the Queen\'s wrist, and faint hickies on her neck. Oh. Evelyn flushed a bit, finally realizing why the Queen slept so late. The King must\'ve drained all of her energy.

"And what else?" Adeline asked, sitting upright. She yawned and winced, her body still sore.

"And we should discuss our next plan of action," Evelyn concluded. "Mr. Fitzcharles did a splendid job with distracting the media, but there are still people discussing your pregnancy."

Adeline blinked. She never heard anyone address Weston like that. Then again, not everyone was as brazen as Lydia. Speaking of Lydia… Adeline needed to find out what happened with her and Weston. As well as Asher. She uncomfortably fiddled with her necklace, the one given by her parents, with charms added by Duke Claymore.

Adeline thought everything was settled with Asher. Why did he bother Elias that night? She let out a small sigh, hoping that was the end of it. Now that Elias wiped Asher\'s memories, everything should be fine. There should be no more hiccups in the future. Her life with him was sealed away now.

"Are you alright, Your Grace?" Stella repeated her earlier question. The Queen\'s skin became pale, her brows taut, and her eyes distant.

"I\'m fine, thank you," Adeline said. "I was just debating what I should say tomorrow, when I make the address."

Evelyn was instantly pleased by the Queen\'s words. As the Queen\'s publicist, she also thought making the address tomorrow would be good. The topic would definitely be lingering in everyone\'s minds, even if there were other popular headlines in the media right now.

"I have a plan," Adeline finally said. She wasn\'t confident of it, but it was better than nothing.

"Would you like to tell us, Your Grace?" Evelyn asked.

Adeline debated her options. "It\'s alright, I\'m confident of my decision."

Evelyn and Stella exchanged uncertain looks, but decided to put all of their faith in the Queen. The Queen hadn\'t disappointed anyone yet. Her previous speech was amazing, despite being said on the spot, with no initial planning.

"Alright," Evelyn noted. "I will leave the choice up to you, Your Grace."

"Great," Adeline said, climbing out of bed. She hissed, her legs giving out from underneath her.

"Your Grace!" Stella gasped, instantly rushing over and dropping to her knees to assess the situation. Her priority was the Queen\'s wellbeing, whereas Evelyn was concerned about the Queen\'s reputation. It was evident in how late Evelyn responded.

"I\'m alright," Adeline said. "My leg just fell asleep, that\'s all."

Adeline sat at the edge of her bed, rubbing her legs. Elias, that brute! She could barely feel her legs, and they were beginning to tremble.

Suddenly, an idea came to mind. "Stella," she said.

"Yes, Your Grace?" Stella piqued, worriedly staring up at the Queen.

"No need to kneel that long," Adeline softly said, grasping Stella\'s hand and guiding the secretary to her feet.

"I\'ve decided to see a Doctor, Stella," Adeline added on, glancing at Evelyn whose eyebrows shot up. "I hear there is a Royal Doctor…"

"The Royal Doctor has been dismissed, Your Grace," Stella said, her tone hesitant. She wasn\'t sure if she was allowed to say that.

"Why?" Adeline asked.

"Well, uhm…" Stella trailed off, feeling like she said something she wasn\'t supposed to.

"Well?" Adeline pressed on, not understanding why this was such a difficult topic.

"Rumor has it," Evelyn began, the braver one of the pack. "That he was the first one to diagnose your pregnancy when you were residing in the King\'s bedroom for an entire week…"

Adeline\'s blood chilled. Elias was the cause of the Royal Doctor\'s dismissal. Of course it would be him.

Who else had that much power in this castle, or in the world for that matter? Every little secret about the Empire, he\'d know it. Even the most random one, he\'d know it. There wasn\'t a single thing that got past his impenetrable defense.

"And for his inability to cure you, Your Grace," Evelyn said. "He was dismissed. Currently, there are doctors vying for the position, but none have been considered yet."

"I see," Adeline murmured. "Then find me the best gynecologists out of the ones applying for the position."

Adeline placed a hand on her stomach, affectionately rubbing it. She didn\'t feel any morning sickness right now, which meant the baby was comfortable as well, right?

As a matter of fact, ever since Elias stopped distancing from her, she was beginning to feel more at ease. It must\'ve been the terrifying presence of a Pure-Blood intimidating the baby into submission.

"As you wish, Your Grace," Stella said, knowing that was her job. "As a matter of fact, whilst you take a morning bath, eat your breakfast, and get dressed, we\'ll be able to secure one for you."

"Great, we\'ll see them right after I get dressed," Adeline said, already eager to know the current state of her child, especially after draining the energy from her. But she could never blame her own kid when she was the one who wanted to keep them.

Adeline wordlessly touched her stomach again, hoping all would be well in this world, and that she\'d at least get to hold the baby.

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