Banished to Another World

Chapter 245: Rumors has it that Brother Mo ate Meng’s children?

Chapter 245: Rumors has it that Brother Mo ate Meng\'s children?

The woman slowly rose and went to Yuan Zhan, reaching for his chest.

Yuan Zhan backed away.

The woman\'s hand moved, the expression became gentler, she even showed a slightly enchanting smile.

Meng lay on the ground and said happily, "Chief Da-Ren, she likes you too. Ha-ha, you can\'t walk away now."

Yuan Zhan ignored Meng Er. He grabbed the woman\'s hand and pushed it away resolutely. "Do you want to mate with me? I don\'t want to."

If there was no Yan Mo before, a woman would mate with him, as long as he could like her, it didn\'t matter whether she had eyes or not. But now... First, he felt insensitive to the woman, and second, he always felt that if he slept with someone else, the Priest would cut down the blooming thing under and study it carefully, though he had never threatened him so much.

The woman was seized by him by the wrist, but a step closer to his chest, took a deep breath, the woman began to tremble slightly, it seems to find something, and then become very excited.

The woman reached out eagerly to push Yuan Zhan down.

Yuan Zhan found that the woman, who was almost as tall as him, seemed soft, but only when you grabbed her wrist did you know that her bones were very hard.

"Jiu Feng!" Yuan Zhan grabbed the woman\'s other wrist and shouted, "This the tough guy you talked about? Can you communicate with her? She doesn\'t seem to understand what I\'m talking about."

"Hey!" The smaller Jiu Feng landed on the branch opposite the slope and looked at the scene with a crooked head and a happy expression.

Yuan Zhan needed all his strength to stop a woman from overwhelming him.

Meng Er is still saying something sarcastic, "Chief Da-Ren, you should stay still from her. She seems to like strong men very much. I\'m not the first one she caught."

The woman groaned longingly in front of Yuan Zhan. Yuan Zhan wanted to leave her behind. She grabbed his wrist instead.

"Are the men in front of her still live after mating with her?" Yuan Zhan asked calmly.

Meng Er struggled to sit up. "Actually, this woman looks good. I think she looks better than Duo Fei, but she\'s too cruel."

Yuan Zhan squinted at him and knew that this fellow was the trouble he was looking for. Eighty percent of the trouble was that he looked good. He had not slept with som for a long time. He couldn\'t help it. As a result, he provoked others and found that the other party could not provoke him.

Meng Er was still saying, "I found her in a big lake near The Moer-Gan, which has a river withDa-He, and The Moer-Gan put their... What does Mo-Mo say it\'s called? By the way, Turtle! They keep all the big turtles that can tug in that lake. I\'ll go over and see how many turtles they have.

Yuan Zhan judged in his heart the possibility of leaving the woman behind and taking Meng with him to escape.

"Don\'t attack her." Meng warned him as if he had suddenly remembered, "If you don\'t attack her, she will treat you better... Good, but if you attack her, you will become her food."

"She\'s not human?"

"At least not in the water." Meng probably remembered the woman\'s transformation and shivered, "I saw the Moer-Gan\'s Priest... It should be The Priest, who had a lot of strong men put in front of a god statue. The statue is very similar to this woman. They call her ‘The Water God Tian-Wu’."

The Water God Tian-Wu? Yuan Zhan felt bad. He could hardly suppress the woman who was stronger than him, and the woman\'s moaning for him became louder.

Strangely enough, he had no feeling for the woman, but when he heard the woman\'s moan, his body became hot.

Yuan Zhan responded and immediately asked Meng Er, "Did you mate with her?" He could hardly keep her at bay. Would Meng ?

Meng laughed. “So I told you not to resist. If you please her, she won\'t eat you as food right away, she\'ll bring you here... You are here now, and you will be kept in this forest. She will come to you when she wants, and bring you fish to eat. If you run away, you\'ll be hanged up like me."

"You were discovered by the Moer-Gan People?"

"No, she found me. I stayed beside the bushes. I wanted to see what the men would do staying beside the gods. I saw her go ashore at night and enjoy the men. Some of the people who were sent were afraid of her, many of them were savages. I couldn\'t understand what they said. They wanted to escape and were dragged into the water to kill and eat by the woman. Those who do not escape will stay with their satisfaction, and those who are not satisfied will be thrown into the water to feed the turtles. Later, she did not know how to find me and caught me. Her speed in the water was terrible. I didn\'t respond at that time. I should have fled to the mountains and forests as soon as possible. Meng was depressed.

Yuan Zhan didn\'t think that Meng could escape by running into the mountains and woods, this woman... He was not sure he could escape from the woman.

"You say this woman brought you here with some sacrifices?"

"Yes. I don\'t know how she brought us here. She knocked us all out. I woke up in the woods, not far from the river, right? I can hear the sound of the river.

"Pooh!" Jiu Feng secretly blew a blade on Meng\'s algae-like rope.

A rope loosened.

Meng noticed a little loosening at his wrist and was so happy that he turned his back to Jiu Feng and secretly begged The Young Master Jiu Feng to cut more.

The woman suddenly turned her face to Jiu Feng\'s direction and looked unhappy as if she had found a troublemaker in her neighborhood.

Jiu Feng dared not breathe, and he turned pretended to bow his head to fluff his feathers.

"Where are the other sacrifices?" Yuan Zhan came in and saw only Meng who had been hanged, but nobody else saw him.

Meng grinned bitterly. “They\'re all dead. This woman will eat the weakest one before mating. Now that you are here, she looks up to you again. Maybe next time it\'s my turn to be eaten by her.”

Yuan Zhan wanted to leave Meng to this woman. Meng Er can live to this day. Obviously the Water God is satisfied with him.

"Can you understand what I\'m saying?" Yuan Zhan is not sure he can beat the Water God. He can only delay as long as possible to see if he can communicate with her.

The woman gave him a gentle smile.

The woman was so beautiful that even without eyes, it was not so terrible to get used to it.

Yuan Zhan did not know whether he was affected by the moans of a woman. He saw the woman more pleasantly now than at first.

Yuan Zhan was pushed back step by step by step by the woman until he touched the trunk of a big tree on his back.

His arm muscles began to tremble, and a slender flesh-colored tentacle stretched out from the woman\'s wrist, climbing along his wrist as if provocatively.

The front end of the flesh-colored tentacle suddenly became sharp and plunged into the skin of his arm.

Yuan Zhan instantly desertified himself and landed on the ground.

Meanwhile, Meng\'s body suddenly sank into the soil and disappeared.

The woman seemed to have no idea that Yuan Zhan would have such a change. She was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, a look of great grievance appeared on her face and a cry of "muaaaah" appeared in her mouth.

And as her cry spread, a great deal of water overflowed from her wrist, as if suddenly there was a spring under her feet.

Jiu Feng quietly flapped his wings and ran. He can feel that the terrible big fellow is angry, and the inheritance hidden in his mind tells it that if he stays, he will probably become a drownedbird, or even be eaten!

Yuan Zhan cut off the algae on Meng and he wanted to discard it, but he picked it up and tied it to his waist.

Meng\'s body couldn\'t move freely for a while and a half. He was tied up too long, his blood was not circulating, his arms were moving well before, and his legs were paralyzed like needles.

"Get up, we have to get out of here!" Yuan Zhan saw a sudden outflow of water from the soil.

Meng grabbed Yuan Zhan\'s hand and barely stood up, grinning with pain.

"What about Jiu Feng Da-Ren? Why not let it carry us away?

"Jiu Feng can’t fight the woman. I made an appointment with him to flee there first.” Yuan Zhan lifts Meng on his back.

Meng lay on his back and said with pain, "We can\'t go back to the Moer-Gan. That woman will find me."

"What do you mean?" Yuan Zhan asked as he walked quickly underground with Meng on his back.

"I don\'t know. Maybe its because I’ve mated with her, and I\'ve left her scent on me? I escaped in front of me, and fled a long way, but she found me and caught me back.”

"That\'s not far enough for you to escape." Yuan Zhan has been paying attention to the water in the soil around him. As the distance increases apart, there is no water in the soil coming to chase them.

"Then send me away! We better go back to our Jiu Yuan! The woman is the God of the Moer-Gan. If we return to the Moer-Gan, we may be seized by the Moer-Gan and offered to the woman as a sacrifice! "

"Mo is still in The Moer-Gan." A sentence from Yuan Zhan blocked all Meng\'s words.

"Come with me back to The Moer-Gan to pick up Mo, or I\'ll find a place to put you down on the way, you choose."

Meng didn\'t know how far the woman could perceive the breath left on him. Although it was dangerous to return to the Moer-Gan, he preferred to go there, at least Da-Zhan and Mo-Mo will be there!

"Mo-Mo must be able to deal with that woman, certainly." Meng didn\'t know where his confidence came from. He kept talking.

Yuan Zhan recalculates the fighting power of the Moer-Gan in his mind. With the Water God Tian-Wu, no wonder that the Moer-Gan can become the most threatening tribe in the middle reaches of Da-He. No wonder other tribes trade with them. No wonder they dare to catch savages, attack weak tribes and trade slaves in large numbers.

Yan Mo was sleeping soundly in the middle of the night when he heard a noise downstairs and the stairs were trampled on.

"Bang!" The floor shook.

Yan Mo had woken up and sat up. First he smelled a strong fishy smell. Then he looked up and saw a huge shadow squatting in front of him.

"Mo Da-Ren!" Ding Fei ran up the stairs with a torch, illuminating the second floor.

"That savage Da-da is back, he..." Ding Fei couldn\'t speak any more. He saw the savage squatting in front of them, Priest Da-Ren, and their Priest Da-Ren stroking his dog\'s head!

Da-da was wet and clattering, but his fur skirt under his armpit was still dry.

Yan Mo\'s eyes turned to the one thrown on the ground... At least two meters long big fish, eyelids pumped.

He couldn\'t see the variety of the fish at a glance. It was bare-backed, white-bellied and had long beards.

Da-da pulled the big fish over, completely ignoring the fact that the river and mud had stained Yan Mo\'s bed.

Ding Fei frowned, trying to yell and was stopped by Yan Mo\'s eyes.

Da-da grabbed the head of the big fish with one hand and knife-like shape. With a strong "pop" of his hand, he drove the whole palm into the abdomen of the fish.

Da-He also came up and saw this scene.

Da-da felt in the belly of the big fish for a moment, found something, pulled out his hand again, and then handed it to Yan Mo.

The blood dripped down Da-da\'s fingers and soon dyed the bed red and black.

Ding Fei and Da-He are both distressed, so good, so soft sheets are so dirty.

Yan Mo doesn\'t matter. He looked at Da-da\'s fist and asks in harmony, "What is this?"

Da-da loosened his fist and revealed the first black-and-red object about the size of an egg, "Eat!"

"Is this food?" Yan Mo habitually took out his scalpel to cut the object and looked at it, butDa-da dodged it.

"Eat!" Da-da stubbornly handed it forward again, adding a word: "Quick!"

"Mo Da-Ren!" Da-He and Ding Fei wanted to stop Yan Mo.

Yan Mo laughed, his stomach was in a tumult, and Da-da, whatever it was, at least attracted the interest of The Fruit of Witchcraft.

Yan Mo wanted to take over the black and red object. Da-da refused to let him open his mouth so that he could feed it directly into his mouth.

Yan Mo thought, looking up and opening his mouth.

"Mo Da-Ren!"

Da-da stared fiercely at Da-He and Ding Fei, and quickly stuffed the black-red object into the teenager\'s mouth.

It\'s hard to swallow an egg like this. Yan Mo subconsciously wants to chew and bite it, but when it comes to his mouth, it turns into a very fishy bubble of blood.

"Ouch!" Yan Mo almost spit it out, but Da-da covered his mouth.

Yan Mo\'s own hand first came and tried to pry Da-da hands away from him, he has suffered this crime by tasting the foul thing, and if he then spit out it is a pity and pathetic thing. Whether it\'s poisonous or harmful, he can\'t die anyway. If it works for him, it\'s his gain.

The abnormal blood stiffness of the fishy smell was completely swallowed by him.

The nausea made him feel bad, and Da-da looked at him and laughed, as if he had done something very happy.

Yan Mo took a pot of water out of his pocket and poured it over his head, so he didn\'t suppress the smell.

"What the hell is this? Ouch!"

There Da-da sat on the ground, holding the big fish and gnawing from the head.

Yan Mo saw what the fish\'s head looked like, and when he saw it, his brain suddenly became dizzy and nauseous!

The big fish has a human face!

But Da-da chewed the face just like that!

And he\'s just eaten a viscera from this face-growing fish belly!

Yan Mo suddenly had an unknown premonition, and that was right. His right hand lit up!

He didn\'t want to look at his right hand, but there was information in his brain at the same time.

—— Warning! The banished person fed on the semi-intelligent red squid once, but SCUM VALUE does not increase for the time being because he did not know before eating.

Raw food... Was the fish alive just now?

Yan Mo is more vomiting! Can\'t you remind me earlier? Every time you play after shots!

He\'s not interested in eating rare animals, no matter how good it is for him... Well, if the benefits are really great, he will consider doing research on it, see if he can find out its drug principle, and then try to make it into artificial breeding.

It\'s as scum as that?

Yan Mo wiped his face and calmed down. Anyway, it\'s all slag. He didn\'t mean to. If Tribesmen came to him to settle the bill, he could cut bigger pieces of meat from himself and give them back. Then... Well, he won\'t take the initiative to dissect and study them in the future.

Yan Mo knew that his ideas are just like scum, but he\'s just like that. He\'s been forced to change by the guide. No matter what he thinks, at least he didn\'t violate the rules of the guide, did he?

"Da-da." Yan Mo wanted Da-da to stop eating, but he was so happy with his head shaking that he had to let him continue eating.

But what exactly is this red squid?

Yan Mo puts his right hand on the red squid and asks for guidance.

The guide gives the answer: red squid, amphibians, Tian-Wu children, produced after mating with humans, human face fish, and the longest life span can be up to 300 years. Its meat when human consume it, they can improve the body\'s immunity and accelerate wound healing. The most precious energy nest in red squid is the heart-based energy nest. The energy nest can evolve into semi-intelligent organism, and the energy-free nest is an ordinary amphibian. Those who eat energy nests have a chance to breathe in water.

Yan Mo holds his forehead. It seems that what he has just eaten is the energy nest of the red squid. He may breathe in the water in the future, although it is very nice, but... Where on earth did Da-da catch the red squid? And there\'s such a good thing nearby, The Moer-Gan knew?

At the same time, Meng just followed Yuan Zhan out of the soil and suddenly thought, "Da-Zhan, if the Water God Tian-Wu can give me a baby, then won’t my child be born a demigod?"

Yuan Zhan laughed. "Do you still want children? Well, maybe you should ask Princess Duo Fei first. Maybe she is someone who will guve you a baby with a long hoof."

Meng Hey Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Laugh, "That\'s good. My children will have long hoofs and long fish tails in the future. Maybe they will have long wings in the future."

Yuan Zhan slapped the dream Meng Er to fan Fei, and took the trumpet horn from the belt and blew it.

"Hey-!" Soon, Jiu Feng\'s voice came from the sky.

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