The Female Cultivator In The World Of Men

Chapter 102 - Sweet Potatoes Or Sweet Lips?

"You can eat sweet potatoes junior sister ahahaha!"….\' The statement of the senior sister ran in her mind as she stood holding three sweet potatoes.

"Heekk…no wonder… he said that." With tear almost falling down like waterfall, Le Fang Ling looked at Nagina who was simply staring at her.

"Now now, don\'t make that kind of face," she slightly scolded her in a pampering kind of voice.

"But," Le Fang Ling refuted but was directly cut off by Nagina.

"At least there is something. You should be glad you are not going to starve to death! Humph!" Nagina crossed her arms in front of her chest as she closed her eyes. She slightly opened one of her eyes and peeked at Le Fang Ling.

The canteen hall was almost good as empty with only few students left behind in groups. She took a glance at the corner where few boys were snickering and laughing as they made some kind of jokes.

Those were the new recruits this year judging from the light and dull color of their dresses. She mostly recognized everyone from the day of orientation.

"Ahh there.." Le Fang Ling found an empty and isolated seat in one of the corner of the hall and decided to sit there enjoying the peace and food. Luckily, it also had a window that opened up to the cherry blossom pavilion.

"Host, where do you think you are going?" Nagina asked as she quickly caught up to Le Fang Ling who was walking towards that particular seat.

"Er..there.." Le Fang Ling gestured with her eyes to the place she was heading all the while speaking in her head. "Can\'t I go there?"

"Yes, you can\'t." Nagina went in front of her and blocked her path.

"You need to mingle with people to understand a little more." Nagina said with a stern voice. She was fine with her host staying low key and she had tolerated everything till now, but!!

She knew that her host needed to at least make a few talks with other. Just for the sake of communicating.

"Hmmm," Le Fang Ling was thoughtful for a while. Nagina had a point there but she just wanted to gobble down the food like there was no tomorrow.

Plus, after her failed attempt at making a good impression and a good friend with Fu Yao Yao girl, she did not want to make any more attempts.

She was fine with having a few people in her life as long as they were good and trustworthy enough to her.

"But you never know, it never hurts to know more people. It\'s just one way of gathering information." Nagina pointed out her words. She was not asking her to be a good guy but rather use them to gather information.

Sometimes, even a small gossip among people could leak out something important.

"Hmmm…" Le Fang Ling hummed looking at her hands and the three sweet potatoes.

"Tomorrow, I will try to talk with all." Brushing off Nagina she walked straight to where her heart wanted to enjoy the food.

After that she also had to make sure to return early to the library so that she can meet Elder Mo. She still wanted to see what he had to give to her.

She sat on the table and started to peel the skin of the sweet potato.

"Ooof, go and calm that hunger at first!" Nagina nodded her head with a smile as she made herself comfortable on the bench next to her.

"Plus, I don\'t have to go to anyone." Le Fang Ling took a bite of sweet potato and pointed at the group of three boys coming towards her.

"I am too easy to catch attention." Taking another bite she once again gestured at the gang of Fu Yaoyao which turned their direction and walked towards her upon noticing her eating sweet potatoes in the corner of the hall.

"Who will arrive first, the girls or boys?" Le Fang Ling looked at the two groups advancing towards her and started calculating the steps one by one.

Nagina looked at where she was gesturing and saw that Fu Yao Yao and her gang was making way towards her and her host.

"Ahhh, that bitch again!" she cursed with an angry look on her face.

"What does that bi-"

"Hush! Don\'t speak bad words and defile your pretty little mouth." Le Fang Ling shoved a lump of sweet potato inside her mouth and said.

She gazed lovingly at Nagina and smiled.

"It\'s quite good. Try eating it."

Blink Blink!

Nagina blinked her eyes twice when she felt the unfamiliar sensation inside her mouth. it was her first time getting something inside her mouth, excluding her host\'s slippery and wet tongue…cough!

She slightly flushed upon recalling that events of that night.

"Cough, they will come to look for trouble no wonder what…but don\'t cause too much trouble. You are already a famous celebrity here." Nagina said with a stuffy voice as she chewed and swallowed down the food in her mouth.

"This is quite good…it\'s sweet?!" Nagina said with an astonished tone when she felt the sweet taste for the first time with her own mouth.

"Yep, it is!" Le Fang Ling looked at her with amused face, and felt a warm and fuzzy feeling rising up inside her heart.

She took broke off a portion of  sweet potato and gobbled it down in two bites. As she was eating faster, there was a remain of sweet potato on her lips.

Nagina slightly licked her lips as she looked at her. She did not know if it was the lips that were seducing her or the sweet taste of the food.

She leaned forward and stopped right in front of her mouth. Stretching out her tongue, she licked of the crumbs of sweet potato that was on her lips.

"Hmm, is sweet." She mumbled as she wetted her own lips.


Leaving the flabbergasted host staring at her with eyes filled with shocked and surprised, Nagina took back her seat and giggled.

"Humph…So you dare to show yourself up in this hall huh?" It was Fu Yaoyao who got to her first but that was expected.

She eyed both Nagina and Le Fang Ling with hostel eyes.

"Fking snake!" she mumbled under her breathe when she noticed the white tail of Nagina that formed her bottom half.

"Heh," she twisted her face in disgust and anger.

"Yes but it\'s not like I was hiding or anything." Le Fang Ling picked up another sweet potato and stared to bite into it without caring to show any courtesy.

"You…" Fu Yaoyao wanted to say something but stopped herself when one of the girls that had come with her pointed at the inner section of chamber where the inner sect disciples were still coming out from.

If An Cheng saw them messing around again there was no doubt, they will lose few points for messing around like that.

"Humph.." Fu Yaoyao was a girl with brain after all. Knowing it was not the right time to pick on her she decided to leave from there.

"I will deal with you later." Fu Yao Yao cursed under her breathe and quickly exited the hall with her two tag alongs following after her.

"Bye bye." She spoke lazily as she took up another sweet potato from the table. She was too lazy to waste her energy on them.

Le Fang Ling was chill as she waited for another group to arrive her.

\'They are probably the people who were offended by the Le Family,\' Le Fang Ling thought as she once again sneaked a peek at the boys.

Her eyes collided with one of the boys, who hurriedly looked away when he realized that Le Fang Ling had spotted him.

Le Fang Ling: "….."

\'Did his eyes just flutter?\' she wondered if she was seeing things.

"You are the one they called Le Fang Ling right??" The boy with whom his eyes had supposedly collided with came forward and asked her. Although his voice was firm and confident, she could see his ear tips getting red.

It reminded her of certain someone…

Her eyes fell upon Nagina who was looking out of the window.

She turned her face away and looked at the boy.

"Yes, I am Le Fang Ling." She finally stopped eating thinking it will be inappropriate to eat in the presence of people that were offended by her family.

"Good." The boy was satisfied with her answer.

"You.." The boy spoke looking at her.

"Be my cultivation partner."

"Partner as in sparring and training together?" Le Fang Ling asked with a confused look. She was probably the weakest one there but why was this boy coming for her?

\'But I did defeat the senior brother before when we had a duel,\' Le Fang ling thought smugly.

"Maybe I am a famous now!!"

The two boys snickered lightly when they heard her response while the boy in question flushed a little pink.

Le fang Ling felt a bad premonition as she looked at them. 

The boy finally picked up some courage and looked at Le Fang Ling.

"You are really beautiful, also you looked way too cool last time.." his voice slightly froze but he took courage and completed his sentence.

"Be my dual cultivation partner." The boy looked at her bravely and really asked her out.


The third sweet potato that she was holding fell down on the table with a dull sound while she looked at the boys with a blank expression on her face, frozen like a fish in a stick.

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